Форум о подарках

Форум о подарках

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Today: 25.10.2024 - 19:11:09
Rules and conditions of registration

Rules of work with a forum
The administration of a forum reserves the right to itself to close access to the Forum to any user, and also to remove its messages without the prevention and explanations of the reasons. However it, most likely, will not occur, if you will adhere to following rules:

1. Propagation or the propaganda raising social, racial, national, sexual or religious hatred and enmity are not supposed. Propagation of the social, racial, national, sexual, religious or language superiority Is forbidden.
2. Accommodation of advertising messages, and also advertising phrases in signatures and names of users without the permission of Administration Is forbidden. The administration reserves the right to itself to remove advertising messages/references without notice the user in its any display (a forum and a chat including).
3. It is forbidden to break subjects of forums and sections.
4. Accommodation of one message in several various forums, and also accommodation of any constantly repeating messages is not supposed.
5. Use of obscene expressions and curses (in any language and in any coding), users of the Forum of studio KnjazArt offending advantage, in any part of the message - heading, the text, the signature Is forbidden and so forth curses under condition of replacement of letters of a word with a badge * Are forbidden.
6. It is forbidden publicly or to leave the messages addressed to concrete users. It is not supposed flud - accommodation of the messages which are mismatching a theme topics and-or not bearing expressed semantic loading.
7. The publication of the messages intentionally discrediting and-or causing moral or any other loss to any person (legal or physical) Is forbidden. It is not authorized to publish personal data about users without their consent.
8. Discussion of behaviour of moderators and managers of the Forum Is forbidden. Any altercations with moderators and managers of the Forum are punished by restriction in using the Forum (term managers define).
9. Discussion by that and accommodation of the messages contradicting the legislation of the Russian Federation or calling for its infringement Is forbidden.
10. Transfer of logins and passwords for an input on the Forum Is forbidden to other users.
11. Care of that registration of messages did not create difficulties at viewing. The messages placed in codings of others, than Windows-1251, and also with excessively long not broken lines (leading occurrence of horizontal scrolling on pages of the Forum), misuse of tags of citing or the formatted text can be removed by moderators of the Forum. The enclosed citing categorically is forbidden.
12. Each participant of a forum bears the full administrative responsibility for placed by it at the Forum the information.
13. Categorically it is forbidden to write a Latin or with the deliberate spelling errors, doing the text not readable. Similar texts will leave at once and without an explanation of the reasons.
14. The given rules are valid for all sections of the Forum of studio KnjazArt. Pay attention, that on a number of forums additional rules operate. The information on them can be received in or in special topics a forum.
15. The administration does not bear the responsibility for the maintenance of any forums and-or separate messages, except for the messages placed by Administration.
16. It is forbidden (it is not welcomed without the special reasons on that) to have more than one login at a forum for one IP-address. - it is necessary for that who already has more than one to send administrations of a forum the letter where to specify what is necessary for leaving. Cleaning logins are liable to destruction. A Lot of logins from one IP to have it is possible, if from a computer on a forum leaves more than one person. (if from corresponding messages it will be visible, that under several logins one person logins can be removed without the prevention by managers of a forum) actually sits.
17. A preventive punishment by this or that rule start to operate from the moment of its acceptance (if in the rule the return is not stipulated). Nobody can be punished by a rule which up to a present situation still did not exist.

Using the Forum is the certificate of unconditional acceptance of conditions of the given Rules.

I have familiarized with rules and conditions, and I accept them.